When it comes to buying a house, the things that are likely top of mind for you are costs, proximity to your work or school for your kids, how nice the kitchen is, and of course, what the house is going to need in terms of renovations and repairs. But what you might be forgetting, is just as important as these aspects of the house itself, is the consideration of the community that you are moving into. While it may seem to matter minimally now — as compared to the size of the down payment you need — with time, you will be just as happy you put some consideration into choosing the right community as you did put time into choosing the right price point.
Becoming a Member
It is a universal desire to want to feel accepted and valued, and this is no different when it comes to communities than it is with your group of friends. When you align yourself with the right community, filled with like-minded people who have similar values to you and your family, you will pretty soon feel welcome and part of the group. This feeling of belonging will strengthen your relationships within the community, hopefully leading to new friends, and more importantly, allowing you to feel safe in the place where you live.
Forging Relationships
If the first step is to feel like you are a member of the community, the next component is to begin forging relationships with your neighbours and community members. In the right community, this happens naturally — when you are surrounded by people with similar interests and values as you, who are in a similar time in their life and you both have relatable struggles and triumphs. From this, grows relationships and friendships that can go on to last a lifetime.

Building Trust
Not only does the right community allow you to develop relationships, but strong relationships allow you to build trust. They allow you to have neighbours who you feel comfortable calling up to look after your kids, asking for help when you get locked out of your house, or who you wouldn't mind having stop in unannounced for an evening visit. All of these require trust and this comes from being a member of a community where you are welcomed and valued.
Feeling at Home
More than the need for relationships and trust though, you want to be part of a community where you feel at home. Where you are comfortable allowing your kids to play in the yard, where you do not have to worry for your safety or have a fear of theft and burglaries, and a place that you can look forward to coming home to at night. A place where you can walk in the front door, let out a sigh of contentment and think, "Welcome Home".
If you are ready to find that new house in the perfect community for you, get in touch with one our real estate agents. They would love to help you explore all the homes across Grey Bruce, South Georgian Bay and Southwestern Ontario to help you find that perfect new community for you to call home!